Tuesday, May 03, 2005

MAFW Day 2

Billich Gallery, 10.00am
Designers have an amazing ability to be creative. The creativity that Betty Fong & Wayne Homschek showed today for Paablo Nevada, was not limited to their ultra glam collection in any way. A play had been set up, based on an ordinary girl's dream of being in the jet set world, living a life O'Reilly. Set in the Billich Gallery, 26 models did a spectacular job performing this act. Not only did they show off the very pretty pre-war style dresses, but they acted splendidly too. Perhaps it was the unusual 'non-catwalk' presentation, or maybe the beautiful hairstyles of the models, or perhaps the fact that (sans musique) we were able to hear the clicking of each camera in the room that made the collection so special... But looking at the photos again, makes us realise that we loved every bit of it. Antique pink, violet grey, mud and pale turquoise were colours much used in the show. Brad Hick's images from the show are here.


Blogger Petra said...

Hi Elijah, Thanx! Yes, I've totally changed the original set up, can't remenber what it was called...

7:44 am  

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