Friday, February 11, 2005

Kors We got Him

New York, 9 February 2005. As predicted, His Royal Highness Prince Kors showed a hugely impressive collection. To describe it as sophisticated and wearable would be an understatement - in both respects. Lots of glam, frosty silver-metallic colours; the dresses had a rather ‘Sex and the City' - touch to them. And the coats… God Almighty. A blood red, silk lined, cashmire coat, with an enormous wolf fur collar. Another coat; a knee length fur coat that looks like – do we dare suggest - white chinchilla... We do realize we're pushing our luck here, but with all the coolchiqs we know, we’re in good company. So no claiming we’d rather go naked and all that… For the men; more classy winter styles, a silver duvee jacket a la retro style that would make most men look like a billion (space) dollars. Extremely handsome stuff . Let’s hope all the men we hang out with will all dress as suggested. Yes, Mr Kors, we realize you talk directly to us.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Feel free to come and check it out if you get time :-)

7:53 am  

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